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Billy Carson – Inspirational

Went to see Billy Carson at The Kindred In London last night (22-08-23), what an incredible person. It was such an amazing evening, the room was full of energy. Billy spoke along with the beautiful Elisabeth Hoekstra & Jimmy Church.

Billy is an inspiration, I started following Billy after reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, a great read and one you feel in the heart 💚, recommended. The Alchemist mentioned The Emerald Tablets and then the journey began, one I would guide everyone to. I have read The Emerald Tablets – you can feel the wisdom.

The evening was filled with so much knowledge and guidance, along with humour and a realisation that their are many walking or looking to walk the pathway to taking their power back!

Billy Carson follow and learn, we are more powerful than we think! #billycarson #billycarsonofficial #elisabethhoekstra #kindredlondon #4biddenknowledge #jimmychurchradio #grounding #hermeticprinciples #ancientwisdom

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